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Malawi Mental Health Care Service Providers

malawi mental helpHello everyone, we have compiled a list of professional Malawi mental health care providers that can assist you with anything relating to mental health. Whether this is for you, a friend, a family member or if you generally know someone who needs help from a mental health specialist, this list will guide you in the right direction.

As some of you might know, Malawi is in a full blown mental health crisis, I could argue the entire African continent is and I could further argue that black people in general are the most affected whether it be related to the way society treats us with the police killings in America, Europe, Asia etc or to the economical struggles that leak into every other aspect of our lives including relationships with partners or with our own children and family members, bullying, drug addiction including alcohol addiction, verbal/physical abuse and so on, the list is literally endless. We then have the increasing suicide rates among men of all ages in Malawi, which is not only sad but actually preventable, as are all the examples I mentioned. People need help,  someone to guide and advice them through their depression or mental condition whether it be with medication, therapy, or both. With that said, if you want us to add, update or remove certain information on this page, simply contact us or leave a comment below.

List of Malawi Mental Health Providers

Mzuzu Mental Health Services (Northern Region)

Lilongwe Mental Health Services (Central Region)

Blantyre Mental Health Services (Southern Region)

NOTE: If you need to contact other emergency services, check out our emergency numbers page, you can also read our article about how to improve Mental health services in Malawi.

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