Business Financing Guide

Business Financing Guide

Post was last updated: February 1, 2024
Business Financing Guide
How to manage your business finances

Hello, on this page you will find out exactly how to finance your business and we will also give you reasons on why you must organize your company finances and work hand in hand with banks so that your business continues to grow.

Good financial management is essential when starting your business and for the expansion of your business. Getting your finances in order means your business can work more efficiently and puts you in a better position when seeking funding for growth.

Successfully managing your finances can create sustainability and growth for your business, so it’s important to get it right.

Whether it’s balancing the books, budgeting or good cash flow management, you can help improve the financial health of your business.

Finances options starting a business

When starting your business there are a few key questions around business finance to consider or understand.

These include:

  • Will you need to apply for finance to start your business?
  • What are your reasons for seeking finance?
  • Do you understand the sources of finance that are available?
  • Will you set up a business bank account to manage your finances?
  • What sort of Bookkeeping system will you set up?

Seeking or obtaining additional money

Businesses may seek finance to start a business. Established businesses may seek finance to improve cash flow or replace machinery or equipment of some kind. While there are many other reasons why a healthy business will seek finance, for some it may flag underlying financial problems.

Before you seek finance, carefully consider the following questions with a qualified accountant or business advisor:

    • What does your business need?
    • Why are you seeking finance?
    • Should you be seeking finance?
    • What finance options are available?
    • Which finance options are best suited to your situation?
    • Do you have the ability to repay the finance?
    • How will you manage loan or finance rejecting?

Obtaining finance is often a crucial step in business growth. An up-to-date business plan supporting your new goals and objectives will also ensure you are well prepared when seeking finance. There are various sources of finance options available including savings, investors and government grants.

Managing your finances

Successfully managing your finances such as budgeting and cash flow can mean you always have enough to pay your creditors and also have enough profits to put back into your business. Read the following information to help you manage your finances:

  • Improve your financial knowledge
  • Analyze your finances
  • Manage your cash flow
  • Prepare your financial reports
  • Improve your financial position
  • Protect your finances

We have already setup a place where you can download free business templates to help manage your business finances in Malawi.

Wisdom Mayuni