Kwezy Bus Schedule
Hello everyone, on this page we have the Kwezy Bus schedule and the prices of each ticket depending on your destination, we also included a quick guide that shows you how to pay for your bus ticket from the comfort of your own home. This page is updated as soon as any changes happen so make sure to keep this page bookmarked.
You can also choose to contact Kwezy buses for any feedback or questions.
These prices were updated on November 13th 2023.

Below we highlighted some of the popular routes, all prices below are for adults and they are one-way,, if you want to know how much a child’s ticket and return ticket would cost, refer to the image right above this.
Kwezy Bus from Blantyre
- Blantyre to Kasungu: MWK 34,000
- Blantyre to Lilongwe: MWK 28,000
- Blantyre to Mzuzu: MWK 45,000
Kwezy Bus from Kasungu
- Kasungu to Blantyre: MWK 34,000
- Kasungu to Lilongwe: MWK 18,000
- Kasungu to Mzuzu: MWK 20,000
Kwezy Bus from Lilongwe
- Lilongwe to Blantyre: MWK 28,000
- Lilongwe to Kasungu: MWK 18,000
- Lilongwe to Mzuzu: MWK 28,000
Kwezy Bus from Mzuzu
- Mzuzu to Blantyre: MWK 45,000
- Mzuzu to Kasungu: MWK 20,000
- Mzuzu to Lilongwe: MWK 28,000
How to pay for Kwezy Bus online
You can pay for your Kwezy Bus by using one of the following methods online. Make sure to keep a reference of each receipt, I would suggest to take a screenshot on your phone, tablet or laptop once you receive the confirmation.
- Cash Payment: You can choose to pay with cash when you arrive at the Kwezy Bus depot/terminal.
- MO 626: (For National Bank of Malawi) Pay to this account number 1365417. Save confirmation SMS for reference.
- NBS Account: Pay to this account number 10883458. Save confirmation SMS for reference.
- FDH Account: Pay to this account number 1040000284117. Save confirmation SMS for reference.
- ECO BANK Acoount: Pay to this account number 5415000001062. Save proof of payment for reference e.g. bank transaction SMS alert.
Pay Kwezy Bus ticket via Airtel Money
- Dial *211#
- SELECT Make Payment
- SELECT Paybill
- SELECT Other
- TYPE REFERENCE (e.g. Name of Traveler)
Pay Kwezy Bus ticket via TNM Mpamba
- DIAL *444#
- SELECT Payment
- SELECT Pay Merchant
- DESCRIPTION (e.g. Name of Traveler)
After you are done using either one of the payment methods, forward the payment confirmation and the name of the traveler to 0886780355(BT), 0886 780 356(LLz) or 0882 946 650(Mz).
and don’t forget to mention the time of your bus and your destination.
Kwezy Luggage Info
Every passenger is allowed to bring 25kgs luggage. Anything above 25kgs you will be charged K100 per KG between Blantyre and Lilongwe, Lilongwe and Mzuzu and K150 per KG between Blantyre and Mzuzu.
NOTE: Luggage that is lighter but bulky is charged according to the space it takes up on the bus. Some valuables like TVs, Fridges etc have their own price.
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